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The Pros and Cons of Virtual Funerals

Virtual Funeral

Modern technology has made many things possible today. For instance, sometimes it’s impossible for mourners to attend a funeral service in person. In such cases, many families opt to provide virtual streaming of the service.

This article offers the pros and cons of virtual funerals to help you make an informed decision; whether it will or will not be ideal for you and your family.


Wider Reach

The funeral service can reach a wider number of family and friends who could not make it to the event. It is inclusive of those who could not make it due to distance, health issues, or other constraints. Hence, everyone can pay their respects and be part of the service.

Cost Effectiveness

Attending a funeral virtually can be a more affordable option than traveling to attend a funeral in person. Mourners who are experiencing financial constraints do not have to worry about not being a part of the service.

Environmental impact

More importantly, virtual funerals are a great way to honour the dead without harming the planet. They help reduce pollution by cutting down on travel and transporting.


Technical Issues

Potential technical issues could disrupt the funeral service. Since a strong wi-fi connection is essential, it may be difficult to carry it out in a village without a strong network coverage.


Some may find it impersonal and detached from the grieving process. Especially as it is very alien from African traditional culture which is communal in nature. Besides, streaming a funeral service can be less interactive than attending it in person. Participants cannot participate in the same way as those who are there in person.

You don’t have to plan the virtual funeral all by yourself, especially if you are not particularly tech-savvy. Talk to us and we will offer you suggestions on how to go about it.

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