Fascinating Funeral Traditions from Around the World

Funeral traditions take unique and different forms across the world. They are an intrinsic part of human culture, reflecting beliefs, values, and traditions.


Tibetan Buddhists leave the body of the deceased  outside, often cut into pieces, for birds or other animals to devour. Their belief that the soul moves on and the body becomes an empty vessel is a rationale for this practice.

Nordic Countries

Nordic countries  embrace water in their rituals of choice for the dead, from laying coffins atop cliffs faced toward the water to actually using the water as a burial ground.

Hanging Cemetery


In Indonesia, the family saves up a lot of money for years to carry out an opulent funeral. Until the funeral, which could be years after the deceased has passed, the deceased is laid out in a specific room in the home, and there they are ritually cared for, including being fed, bathed, and taken out on family outings.

South Korea

Due to limited graveyard space, South Korea enacted a law in the year 2000 mandating the removal of graves after 60 years. This led to a surge in popularity for cremation and as an alternative, some families decided to transform the remains of their loved ones into colorful beads, a service offered by various companies and often referred to as death beads.


In Ghana, some people choose to be buried in fantasy coffins that represent their interests. So far, coffins have been shaped like Porches, Coca Cola bottles and animals etc. A documentary produced about the country’s most prolific coffin artist; and coffin designs are now considered to be true works of art.


The body of the deceased is kept in the home in a closed coffin for three days, on a block of ice and with tea leaves (frequently replaced) to freshen the atmosphere. Cremation takes place afterwards.

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