Creative Funeral Service Ideas

Funerals have always been held according to enduring traditions. These practices may either be religious or cultural. 

You need some level of creativity to personalize a funeral ceremony. 

Here are some creative ideas to create an event that will be the most wonderful and fitting way to say goodbye. 

Create a Memorial

This is some form of lasting monument to be created by family members and friends. Plant trees in honour of the person, compile a scrapbook or have funeral attendees write messages on stones.

Organise An Activity

You can host a favourite activity of the person who has passed. It could be a favourite game, sport or book event. It will help friends and family feel closer to the person who has passed. 

Make The Event Colourful

You can organise a colourful and bright event when the funeral ceremony is celebratory. Using the favourite colour of the deceased would make it more memorable. 

Make the order of service booklet colourful too. You can easily do this with themes surrounding the personality of the deceased. 

Play their favourite music or put together a photo video to be played during or after the funeral service. 

Create a Memory Board

You can make a photo memory board to display photos at the funeral ceremony hall. A collage of photographs will help the funeral attendees reflect on the life of the deceased. 

Attendees could also be given an opportunity to write messages on cards, and add photos to the collage. 

Make Requests From Guests

If the deceased was passionate about a cause, you can request guests to donate to charities in honour of the deceased. 

This is a perfect way to appreciate, continue and ensure that their efforts while alive were not wasted. 

Personalize The Casket

You may custom design the coffin or casket, or ask guests to decorate it with handwritten messages and drawings.

Give Out Books

This is perfect if the deceased has left a great number of books behind. You can hand out their collection at the funeral. 

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